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First Farmers Bank & Trust:

At FFBT, we had an interesting idea: create a new online-only division of the bank, with its own unique brand identity. The goal was to attract more urban customers that we otherwise wouldn't easily be able to acquire with our current branding. This was my process for designing that new brand. 

Designing a brand from the ground, up.
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I visualized this new brand by designing some quick mock-up advertisements.

The Stacks brand is all about staying active, and always moving up. At Stacks, we support the urban individual who has places to be.

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I chose the name "Stacks," not only because the word is a clever reference to money, but because it stands out from every other bank out there.

"Online Banking. Offline Living."

I conceived of this simple slogan to portrait Stacks' unique online-only qualities and its dedication to encouraging an active lifestyle.

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I designed an app icon to make the brand feel like a tangible product.

I took the "Dollar Sign S" from the logo and made a few different alterations to it. I wanted to give this icon a unique identity, without sacrificing the image of the dollar sign.

After making quite a few variations, I realized that the S, when turned on it side, resembled an infinity symbol. I decided to move forward with this concept. After all, at Stacks, we never quit.

I crafted this teaser video to help demonstrate to the executives at FFBT what Stacks is all about, and to hopefully generate some excitement around the idea.

Does this feel like a real bank yet? By identifying the brand's values and creating visual examples, I brought life to a new idea.

Crafting a website for a new online bank

I was tasked with building the Stacks brand from scratch, so I decided to design the beginnings of a website. This would give the decision-makers at FBBT a clear idea of what the end product might look like.

With Stacks' website, I wanted to show people something new.

I wanted users to immediately think,

"Well that's different."

I'd like you to meet

Geoffrey the Giraffe. 

Just like Geoffrey, Stacks is all about rising up and reaching for the skies. That's why I got creative and designed a website that scrolls up, rather than down.

As you follow Geoffrey up the page, you experience just what Stacks has to offer, and why you should make the switch.

For the mobile version of the site, I tried encouraging users to download the mobile app. 

As you ascend the page, you see that the background flows seamlessly from one color to the next, making the entire page feel like one cohesive element.

Web Development

Thank you

Thank you so much for taking the time to look through the projects that I've worked on over the years. I really appreciate it!

What you've seen here is just a sample of all the cool stuff I've done. There's still so much more that I'd love to tell you about. If you would like to learn more, feel free to check out my other projects, or visit the 'About Me' page.

If you'd like to take our relationship to the next level, then please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to chat with you!

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